Ninth UK Workshop on Case Based Reasoning

Cambridge 13th December 2004

Call for Papers

Submissions are invited for the 9th UK Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning. This will be a relatively informal occasion where you can meet CBR colleagues and exchange news, views and opinions as well as presenting and/or learning about the work of other researchers and practitioners. As in the last few years, the workshop will again be held in Cambridge, jointly with the British Computer Society SGAI AI-2004 conference on artificial intelligence and its applications.

AI-2004 is the Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence. This year the venue for the Workshop and AI-2004 will be Queens’ College. The workshop will run in parallel with the AI- 2004 Tutorials on the first day of the conference.

A warm invitation is extended also to researchers from outside the UK to submit a paper, or otherwise attend. Special registration rates are available for students.

Scope of the Workshop

Paper submissions are invited on any aspect of case-based reasoning. Papers on practical applications of CBR will be
particularly welcome. Possible topics include, but are not restricted to:

- the theory of CBR
- methods for case adaptation, indexing, retrieval, representation
- hybrid CBR systems
- CBR in data mining and knowledge discovery in databases
- knowledge acquisition, modelling, and management for CBR
- CBR in engineering, design, manufacturing
- CBR and the Internet
- e-Commerce applications of CBR
- CBR and human learning
- CBR in software engineering
- CBR in healthcare
- novel applications of CBR

Journal Publication

The papers presented at each of the last four UK CBR Workshops have been published as special editions of the BCS SGAI journal Expert Update and it is expected that this will also be the case this year.

Workshop Organiser

Dr. Brian Lees
School of Computing, University of Paisley,
Paisley PA1 2BE, Scotland, U.K
Tel: 0141 848 3311, Fax: 0141 848 3542

Programme Committee

Dr Brian Lees University of Paisley, Scotland
Dr Lorraine McGinty University College, Dublin, Ireland
Dr David McSherry University of Ulster, N. Ireland
Dr Miltos Petridis University of Greenwich, England
Dr Venky Shankararaman National University of Singapore
Dr Nirmalie Wiratunga The Robert Gordon University, Scotland


Please send paper submissions, which should not be more than 12 pages in length, by email to the Workshop Organiser, not later than 8th October 2004.

Submissions in Word format are preferred; but if this a problem, then use whatever format is convenient. [The final copy of your paper will be required to be basically in the Springer LNCS/LNAI format, outlined at: ]

Fuller formatting instructions for the final camera-ready copy will be sent with the acceptance notification.


Submissions due: October 8th
Notification of acceptance: October 22nd
Camera-ready copy due: November 19th
9th UKCBR Workshop: December 13th
(AI-2004 Conference December 13th -15th)

The AI-2004 Conference

Details of the AI-2004 conference can be found on the conference web pages: