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Call for Papers and Posters - now closed
AI-2008: Cambridge, UK, December 9th-11th 2008 Organised by BCS SGAI: The British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (an ECCAI Member Society) The leading series of UK-based international conferences on Artificial Intelligence and one of the longest running AI conference series in Europe. CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONShttp://www.bcs-sgai.org/ai2008/ AI-2008 is the Twenty-eighth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence. The scope of the conference comprises the whole range of AI technologies and application areas. AI-2008 reviews recent technical advances in AI technologies and shows how these advances have been applied to solve business problems. Key features of AI-2008 are:
- Papers will be published in book form by Spinger. AI-2008 offers a valuable opportunity to keep up to date with developments in AI and to share experiences in the practical issues of developing AI systems.
- Paper/Poster Submission: SUNDAY JUNE 15th 2008
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONSContributions are invited in the form of papers of up to fourteen A4 pages presenting original work in AI. Contributions may be submitted to either of two streams for oral presentation, or a parallel poster session (six pages maximum). Technical Stream Areas of interest include (but are not restricted to): knowledge engineering; semantic web; constraint satisfaction; intelligent agents; machine learning; model based reasoning; verification and validation of AI systems; natural language understanding; speech-enabled systems; case based reasoning; neural networks; genetic algorithms; data mining and knowledge discovery in databases; knowledge representation, inference and reasoning; robotics and pervasive computing; qualitative and temporal reasoning; knowledge management; AI languages and environments; robotics and pervasive computing. Application Stream Case studies are welcomed describing the application of AI to real-world problems. Papers in recent years have covered all application domains, including commerce, manufacturing and government, and every major AI technique. In addition to case studies and specific applications of AI, we would welcome papers that discuss issues such as managing the transfer from research to production of AI-based products. Papers are selected to highlight critical areas of success (and failure) and to present the benefits and lessons of value to other developers. Submitted papers should make these points clear. Guidance notes for Application Stream authors are available from the website. Poster Session The Poster Session is intended for the presentation of work which meets the high standards of AI-2008, but which is more topical and preliminary than the work presented in the main two streams. It is an excellent forum for disseminating new developments and latest work in progress, especially suited to MSc and PhD students. Poster papers will be printed as short papers (maximum 6 pages) in the proceedings volumes. Papers submitted to the Technical and Application streams will automatically be considered as posters if they fall short of the standard for oral presentation in full form. Publication of Papers Papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be published in book form by Springer.
- The books will be prepared from camera-ready copy supplied by the authors
of accepted papers. Submission of Papers Papers must be submitted as PDF files only and uploaded to the conference website by SUNDAY JUNE 15th 2008 at the latest. There are revised Word macro and Latex style files compared with previous years. Please note:
- At least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the
conference to present it in person, for the paper to be published. Tutorials & workshops The Conference Committee invites proposals for tutorials and workshops to be presented on the first day of the conference. These should be directed in the first instance to the Tutorial/Workshop Organiser. Prizes There are sponsored prizes (a trophy plus 500 pounds) for the best paper submitted in each stream and a trophy plus a cash prize for the best poster, awarded on the basis of delegate voting. Machine Intelligence Competition A permanent trophy awarded for one year plus a 1,000 pounds cash prize, sponsored by Electrolux, will be awarded to the winner of the annual machine intelligence competition. This prize will be awarded to the working system that is considered to be the most significant step forward towards Machine Intelligence on display at the competition. All further information including details of the conference committee, program committees, paper format and uploading instructions is given on the conference website.