AI-2015 Thirty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 15-17 DECEMBER 2015

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions
workshops | proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers
enquiries | social | visa info | venue | accommodation | panel session | special session
ai open mic | information for speakers | previous conferences | letter of invitation

call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates



The papers from the technical and application streams of AI-2015 will be published by Springer as a single volume, entitled Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XXIII.

As in previous years it is expected that the best refereed papers in each stream of the conference will be reprinted as a special issue of an international journal.

Click here for information about previous Special Issues


AI-2015 Thirty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 15-17 DECEMBER 2015

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions
workshops | proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers
enquiries | social | visa info | venue | accommodation | panel session | special session
ai open mic | information for speakers | previous conferences | letter of invitation

call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates