AI-2015 Thirty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 15-17 DECEMBER 2015

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internet access for delegates


Technical Stream

The TECHNICAL STREAM aims to present the best of recent developments in AI, covering a wide range of technical areas. The papers will present new and innovative developments in the field.

Areas of interest include (but are not restricted to): knowledge based systems; knowledge engineering; constraint satisfaction; intelligent agents; machine learning; model based reasoning; verification and validation of AI systems; natural language understanding; case based reasoning; neural networks; genetic algorithms; data mining and knowledge discovery in databases.

Invited Keynote Lecture

Artificial Intelligence: Evil - or Just Not Happening?

Prof. Lars Nolle (JADE University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

Papers Accepted for the Technical Stream

Prize Winners

Technical Stream Programme Committee and Executive Programme Committee


AI-2015 Thirty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 15-17 DECEMBER 2015

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions
workshops | proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers
enquiries | social | visa info | venue | accommodation | panel session | special session
ai open mic | information for speakers | previous conferences | letter of invitation

call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates