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Summary of Main Features
Workshop Day: Tuesday December 12th 2017This preliminary day will be devoted to a range of tutorials and workshops providing practical knowledge of recent developments in AI. SGAI is hosting this year's UK CBR workshop which will be held on Tuesday December 12th. There are expected to be at least two other half-day workshops to provide greater depth in selected topics. A special rate will be available for those attending the main conference on the following two days. SGAI are also subsidising a reduced rate for non-presenting students.
Two-day Conference: Wednesday December 13th-Thursday December 14th 2017The conference will run two parallel streams. The Applications Stream will present refereed papers describing practical applications of AI, highlighting critical areas of success (and failure) and presenting lessons of value to other developers. The Technical Stream will present refereed papers on important recent technical developments. Both streams will also include an invited keynote lecture by a leading expert. The papers in both streams will be rigorously refereed. Accepted papers from the two streams will be published by Springer-Verlag as a single volume, entitled Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIV incorporating Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XXV. The best papers from each stream of the conference will be reprinted as a special issue of an international journal. A cash prize plus a trophy will be awarded to the author of the best refereed paper in each of the two streams, as determined by the Programme Committees. There will also be a cash prize for the best poster, as selected by conference delegates. The conference will also feature presentations by suppliers and an exhibition of leading AI tool and software providers.
Poster SessionsThere will be poster sessions to enable PhD students and others to present work in progress.
RegistrationThere are discounts on the registration fees for early registration and for members of SGAI or any other AI society which is a member of ECCAI. There is also a special reduced rate for students.