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Real AI Day Flyer


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Provisional Programme

The programme for the Real Artificial Intelligence event is currently being finalised, but is unlikely to differ significantly from that shown below.




0830 - 0930

Registration and Coffee

Theatre, Peterhouse


Welcome from Richard Ellis, Real Artificial Intelligence Chair


0940 - 1040

Artificial Intelligence Demystified

Professor Adrian Hopgood, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University

An overview of how AI has developed over 50 years and an outline of various AI techniques. This talk will present a range of practical examples and provide an introduction for non-AI experts.

1040 - 1100



1100 - 1145

Whatever Happened to Expert Systems?
AI-2009 Keynote Address

Colin Cadas and Badr Haque, Rolls-Royce

A historical perspective on the use of AI in industry, highlighting examples from Rolls-Royce and elsewhere, followed by a review of the current state of the art within Rolls-Royce and a look ahead to the future.

1145 - 1235

Corpus Callosum MRI Classification
AI-2009 Best Application Paper

Ashraf Elsayed, University of Liverpool

An approach to classifying Magnetic Resonance (MR) image data, developed at the University of Liverpool, that performs both efficiently and effectively, obtaining a classification accuracy of over 95%.

1235 - 1400


Peterhouse Hall

1400 - 1445

AI in Simulation and Games

Chris Waldron, Antycip Simulation Ltd


1445 - 1515

Underwater Robotics: From a Student Competition to Real Applications

Francesco Maurelli, Heriot-Watt University

Presentation from the SAUC-E award winning team from Heriot-Watt University.

1515 - 1535



1535 - 1545

AI-2009 - Closing Remarks

Dr Miltos Petridis
AI-2009 Conference Chair

Includes presentation of the AI-2009 Best Poster Prize

1545 -1615

Fighting Crime with AI

Dr Rick Adderley, A E Solutions Ltd

Dr Rick Adderley of A E Solutions will describe applications of data mining for fighting crime and terrorism.

1615 - 1645

True Knowledge - The Internet Answer Engine

Simon Overell, True Knowledge Ltd

How AI was harnessed to make the break from search engines that return links to search engines that return facts.

1645 - 1745

Networking Reception



[Real AI] [Programme] [Speakers] [Registration] [AI-2009]