Real Artificial Intelligence

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Real Artificial Intelligence

A special one-day event showcasing
Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Thursday 17 December 2009
Peterhouse College
Cambridge, UK

Price Reduction!

We are pleased to announce that we have been able to reduce the price of Real Artificial Intelligence to:

£75 (+VAT) per delegate

with a special Student rate of £50 (+VAT)

A discounted group rate of £50 (+VAT) per delegate
 is also available for groups of three or more delegates.


(Delegates who have already paid the higher fee will receive an appropriate refund)


AI-2009 is the latest in the longest running series of AI conferences in Europe, and the conference content and format has been honed and developed by the considerable experience that has built up over the years. 

The organisers recognise, however, that there is always room for innovation and new ideas, and in recent years, we have seen a rise in popularity of one aspect of the conference: the industry case studies. These have presented AI as it is actually implemented out there in the real world, with all the triumphs and challenges that brings. 

Building on this success, we are pleased to present Real Artificial Intelligence, a new event running in parallel with the final day of the conference. and showcasing the practical application of AI.

Real Artificial Intelligence will provide delegates with an introduction to Artificial Intelligence, an overview of the developments in Artificial Intelligence and a showcase of real world AI applications. 

We have aimed the event less at deep AI specialists, and more at those who may be interested in understanding what AI can offer, and what it is doing right now. The event will feature talks from leading exponents and case studies outlining practical applications of AI from a wide range of application domains. Plenty of time has been allowed in the programme for discussion and the event will close with a networking drinks reception.

The registration fee for the event will be £125 £75 (plus VAT). Entry to the event is free to AI-2009 delegates.

We hope that you will come and join us, and that you enjoy this new offering from the BCS SGAI.



Richard Ellis
Chair, Real Artificial Intelligence
Application Chair, AI-2009

[Real AI] [Programme] [Speakers] [Registration] [AI-2009]