Application Keynote Speakers from Recent AI-20xx Conferences

AI-2024 Professor Steven Meers (DSTL)

Harnessing the power of AI & Autonomous Systems for Defence & Security

AI-2023 Professor Adam Amara (University of Surrey)

Applying AI to Frontier Science Experiments

AI-2022 Professor Emine Yilmaz (UCL)

From Search Queries to Conversations in the Design of Next Generation Information Access Systems

AI-2021 Dr. Oliver Zielinski (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence)

AI as a Game Changer for Sustainable Marine Environments

AI-2020 Prof. Simon Lucas (Queen Mary, University of London)

General Game AI with Statistical Forward Planning Algorithms

AI-2019 James Chappell (Digital Shadows)

Analytical Techniques for Detecting Digital Risks: a Practical Case Study

AI-2018 James Luke (IBM)

How I Survived The AI Winter (& Hope To Survive The Next One)

AI-2017 Frans Coenen (University of Liverpool)

The Discovery of Knowledge in Image Data: A Study in Automated Population Estimation Using The Google Static Maps Service

AI-2016 "Ralph Traphöner (Empolis Information Management GmbH, Germany)"

20 Years of Industrial AI applications: From Case-Based Reasoning to Deep Learning

AI-2015 Prof. Steffen Staab (University of Southampton)

Modelling the Web

AI-2014 Dr. Peter Rausch (Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Georg Simon Ohm, Germany)

Horizon 2121: The AI-Revolution Has Just Begun: A Case Study

AI-2013 Professor Bob John (University of Nottingham)

Type-2 Fuzzy Logic in Decision Support

AI-2012 Professor Miltos Petridis (University of Brighton)

AI-2011 Professor Peter Cowling (University of Bradford)

AI-2010 Professor Susan Craw (University of Aberdeen)

AI-2009 Colin Cadas and Badr Haque (Rolls-Royce)

AI-2008 Dr Graham Ball, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK

Using Artificial Neural Network based computational algorithms for finding patterns in complex biomedical data

AI-2007 Alex Whittaker, Beautiful Game Studios (Eidos)

Practice Makes Perfect: Video Game AI Development Over the Last Decade

AI-2006 Dr Graham Buckberry (Chief Software Architect, Siemens Communications)

Pervasive Computing

AI-2005 Prof. Tom van Engers (University of Amsterdam)

Artificial Intelligence in Law

AI-2004 Prof. Peter Astheimer (University of Abertay, Dundee)

Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games

AI-2003 Roberto Desimone (QinetiQ)

Exploitation of AI technologies for network-enabled defence programmes

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Peterhouse College, Cambridge, the venue for AI-2025