Technical Keynote Speakers from Recent AI-20xx Conferences

AI-2024 Professor Frans Coenen (Liverpool University)

What has AI ever done for Health Care?

AI-2023 Professor Robert Stevens (Manchester University)

What’s in a title? Drawing on the world of AI

AI-2022 Professor Michael Fisher (University of Manchester)

Autonomous Systems, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning - Why the Differences are Important

AI-2021 Profesror Edward Keedwell (University of Exeter)

Optimisation for a Sustainable Future: Driving Efficiency through Human-AI and Hyper-heuristic Search

AI-2020 Professor Giuseppe Di Fatta (University of Reading)

Multi-Task Deep Learning

AI-2019 Professor Marc Cavazza (University of Greenwich)

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Non-admissible Search

AI-2018 Professor Michael Wooldridge (University of Oxford)

From model checking to equilibrium checking

AI-2017 Dr. Detlef Nauck (BT Research and Innovation Division)

The Future of AI in Analytics

AI-2016 Michael Gleaves (Hartree Centre, Science and Technology Facilities Council)

Factors affecting the adoption of Machine Learning Technologies in industrial collaborations

AI-2015 Professor Lars Nolle (JADE University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

Artificial Intelligence: Evil ? or Just Not Happening?

AI-2014 Professor Kevin Warwick (University of Coventry)

The Turing Test Explained

AI-2013 Professor Murray Shanahan (Imperial College, London)

Neurodynamics and Creativity

AI-2012 Professor Margaret Boden (University of Sussex)

Can Evolutionary Art Provide Radical Novelty?

AI-2011 Dr. Blay Whitby (Brighton and Sussex Medical School)

AI-2010 Professor Alan Bundy (University of Edinburgh)

AI-2009 Professor Chris Bishop (Microsoft Research)

AI-2008 Professor John Debenham (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)

Automating Negotiation: It's what you know that matters

AI-2007 Professor Barry Smyth (University College Dublin)

The Quark and the Jaguar and other Vague Queries: Recent Adventures in Personalizing Web Search

AI-2006 Professor Max Bramer (School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, UK)

Artificial Intelligence in Fact and Fiction: The First 3,000 Years

AI-2005 Professor Nik Kasabov (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)

Computational Intelligence for Bioinformatics: A Knowledge Engineering Approach

AI-2004 Prof. Noel Sharkey (University of Sheffield)

When We Became Machines

AI-2003 Professor Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

The Emerging Semantic Web: Quo Vadis Knowledge Representation?

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Peterhouse College, Cambridge, the venue for AI-2025