AI-2007 Twenty-seventh SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

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accepted papers | paper format | UK universities RAE 2008 | info for authors of accepted papers

Conference and Programme Chairs

Conference Chair
Programme Chair
(Single Stream)
ES81 ?
ES82 ?
ES83 ?
Max Bramer (Thames Polytechnic)
Max Bramer (Thames Polytechnic)
ES85 Bernard Kelly Martin Merry (Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories)
ES86 Tom Addis (University of Reading) Max Bramer (Thames Polytechnic)
ES87 Nigel Shadbolt (University of Nottingham) Stuart Moralee (Unilever Research Laboratories)
ES88 Alan Rector (University of Manchester) ?? Bernard Kelly (OASiS Ltd.)
ES89 ???? Nigel Shadbolt (University of Nottingham)
ES90 Robin Muir (Rolls Royce plc) Tom Addis (University of Reading)
? ?
Technical Stream
Applications Stream
ES91 Rob Milne (Intelligent Applications Ltd.) Ian Graham Rob Milne (Intelligent Applications Ltd.)
ES92 Rob Milne (Intelligent Applications Ltd.) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ian Graham
ES93 Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ian Graham
ES94 Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Rob Milne (Intelligent Applications Ltd.)
ES95 Rob Milne (Intelligent Applications Ltd.) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh)
ES96 Ian Watson (University of Salford) John Nealon (Oxford Brookes University) Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh)
ES97 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) John Hunt (University of Wales) Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh)
ES98 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Roger Miles (XHP Consulting Ltd.) Rob Milne (Intelligent Applications Ltd.)
ES99 Frans Coenen (University of Liverpool) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Richard Ellis (Crew Services Ltd.)
ES2000 Frans Coenen (University of Liverpool) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh)
ES2001 Alun Preece (University of Aberdeen) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh)
ES2002 Frans Coenen (University of Liverpool) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ann Macintosh (University of Edinburgh)
AI-2003 Ann Macintosh (Napier Edinburgh) Frans Coenen (University of Liverpool) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth)
AI-2004 Tony Allen (Nottingham Trent University) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ann Macintosh (Napier Edinburgh)
AI-2005 Tony Allen (Nottingham Trent University) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Ann Macintosh (Napier Edinburgh)
AI-2006 Andrew Tuson (City University) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Richard Ellis (Stratum)
AI-2007 Miltos Petridis (University of Greenwich) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Richard Ellis (Stratum)
AI-2008 Miltos Petridis (University of Greenwich) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Tony Allen (Nottingham Trent University)
AI-2009 Miltos Petridis (University of Greenwich) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Richard Ellis (Stratum)
AI-2010 Adrian Hopgood (De Montfort University, Leicester) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (University of Greenwich)
AI-2011 Lars Nolle (Nottingham Trent, University) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (University of Brighton)
AI-2012 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (University of Brighton)
AI-2013 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (University of Brighton)
AI-2014 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (University of Brighton)
AI-2015 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (University of Brighton)
AI-2016 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (University of Brighton)
AI-2017 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (Middlesex University)
AI-2018 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (Middlesex University)
AI-2019 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Miltos Petridis (Middlesex University)
AI-2020 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Richard Ellis (RKE Consulting)
AI-2021 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Richard Ellis (RKE Consulting)
AI-2022 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Frederic Stahl (DFKI)
AI-2023 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Frederic Stahl (DFKI)
AI-2024 Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Max Bramer (University of Portsmouth) Frederic Stahl (DFKI)


AI-2007 Twenty-seventh SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

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proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers | enquiries | social
venue | accommodation | machine intell. competition | speakers | previous conferences

accepted papers | paper format | UK universities RAE 2008 | info for authors of accepted papers