AI-2012 Thirty-second SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 11-13 DECEMBER 2012

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cbr tools tutorial | speakers | previous conferences |

call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates


About AI-2012

The Conference is aimed at those who wish to update themselves with news and views of recent developments, understand how other groups are applying the technology and exchange ideas with leading international experts in the field. Our goal, as always, is for our annual conference to be a meeting place for the international artificial intelligence community. The two-track conference and the workshops are designed to provide a wide range of options for delegates, whether they are newcomers to the technology or seasoned practitioners. The social programme provides an opportunity to relax, meet old friends and make new contacts. The scope of the conference includes the whole range of AI technologies and application areas. Its principal aims are to review recent technical advances in AI technologies and to show how this leading edge technology has been applied to solve business problems.

To meet these objectives, AI-2012 has parallel technical and application streams of refereed and invited papers on both technology and applications. The programme also includes tutorials to provide greater depth in selected topics. Our aim is to have the widest possible appeal to the industrial, commercial and academic communities throughout Europe.

As in previous years the conference aims to bring together researchers and developers from a wide range of academic, research and industrial backgrounds. Delegates will have the opportunity to discuss their ideas and problems with research staff working at the leading edge of AI developments and with developers with experience of the practical issues of getting systems into operation.

In addition to the formal sessions, the conference programme includes a welcome reception and a Gala Dinner. Plenty of time has been inserted into the programme to allow discussions with other delegates and time to make new contacts and renew old acquaintances. AI-2012 offers a valuable opportunity to keep up to date with developments in AI and to share experiences in the practical issues of developing AI based systems.


AI-2012 Thirty-second SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 11-13 DECEMBER 2012

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions
workshops | proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers
enquiries | social | visa info | venue | accommodation | panel session
cbr tools tutorial | speakers | previous conferences |

call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates