FAIRS'13 - the Forum for AI Research Students Monday 9th December 2013 Free to all research students
Wednesday December 11th 2013. Panel discussion 'Could Big Data Become Big Brother?'
Tuesday December 10th 2013 Workshops Visual Data Analytics, Big Data for AI, Social Media Analysis and Computational Optimisation for Practical Applications, plus the eighteenth UK CBR Workshop
AI-2013 is the thirty-third Annual
International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist
Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI), which will be held in the
attractive surroundings of Peterhouse
College in Cambridge.
Please note that it is our strong intention that (as for many previous years) the proceedings of AI-2013 will be published in December, thus meeting the deadline for inclusion in the UK government's Research Excellence Framework exercise (REF 2014). |
This is the leading series of UK-based international conferences on Artificial Intelligence and the longest running AI conference series in Europe.
Further information about
the conference will be placed here as it becomes available.
Please send any corrections to sgai-webmaster@bcs.org.uk
Thirty-third SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
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paper submission and info for authors |