AI-2019 Thirty-ninth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 17-19 DECEMBER 2019

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions
workshops | proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers
enquiries | social | visa info | venue | accommodation | panel session | special session
ai open mic | information for speakers | previous conferences | letter of invitation

call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates | walking tour |


Since 2017 the proceedings of the AI-20xx conference series are published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (a sub-series of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series)

Full papers - up to 14 pages.
Short (Poster) papers - up to 6 pages.
Short papers are a forum for disseminating new developments and latest work in progress, especially suited to PhD students.

Both full and short papers will be fully refereed to a high professional standard and included in the published proceedings.

Monday 16th December 2019 FAIRS'19 - the Forum for AI Research Students
Free to all research students

Tuesday December 17th 2019 Workshops - including the twenty-fourth UK CBR Workshop

Report on Panel Session at AI-2018

Key dates: Paper Submission: July 5th 2019; Notification of Acceptance: September 2nd 2019;
Camera Ready Paper: September 16th 2019.

General registration for AI-2019 is now open

Letters of Invitation. For overseas delegates who wish to attend the event please note that BCS does not issue invitation letters. Please make sure all your visa requirements are in hand before booking on, as we are unable to deal with any visa requirements.

AI-2019 is the thirty-ninth Annual International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI), which will be held in the attractive surroundings of Peterhouse College in Cambridge.

This is the leading series of UK-based international conferences on Artificial Intelligence and the longest running AI conference series in Europe.

About the Conference

Summary of Main Features

Information about our most recent conference AI-2018

Photographs and Information from Previous Conferences

Further information about the conference will be placed here as it becomes available.

Please send any corrections to


AI-2019 Thirty-ninth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 17-19 DECEMBER 2019

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions
workshops | proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers
enquiries | social | visa info | venue | accommodation | panel session | special session
ai open mic | information for speakers | previous conferences | letter of invitation

call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates | walking tour |