AI-2021 goes virtual!
In view of the continued uncertainties around the public health risks from the Covid-19 pandemic and the possible effect on travel and quarantine restrictions on all international conferences, it has been decided that this year's conference will again move out of our regular venue, Peterhouse College Cambridge (pictured below), and be run as a virtual event. The refereed papers, panel session etc will be delivered using the Zoom videoconference package and there will be a large reduction in registration fees compared with our face-to-face conferences.
All conference sessions will take place remotely. There are new facilities for enabling interaction between authors of poster papers and delegates. Publication of the proceedings by Springer will not be affected and both full and short (poster) papers will be published as usual.
Full papers - up to 14 pages.
Short (Poster) papers - up to 6 pages.
Short papers are a forum for disseminating new developments and latest work in progress, especially suited to PhD students.
Both full and short papers will be
fully refereed to a high professional standard and
included in the published proceedings.
AI-2021 is the forty-first Annual International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist
Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI).
This is the leading series of UK-based international conferences on Artificial Intelligence and the longest running AI conference series in Europe.
Further information about
the conference will be placed here as it becomes available.
Video-recordings from AI-2020. Video-recordings of the technical and application keynote lectures and the panel session at AI-2020 are now available on YouTube. Direct links to use are given at
Please send any corrections to
AI-2021 Forty-first SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
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paper submission and info for authors |