Full papers - up to 14 pages.
Short (Poster) papers - up to 6 pages.
Short papers are a forum for disseminating new developments and latest work in progress, especially suited to PhD students.
Both full and short papers will be
fully refereed to a high professional standard and
included in the published proceedings.
Monday 11th December 2023
FAIRS'23 - the Forum for AI Research Students
Free to all research students, except for a contribution to the cost of lunch and refreshments in Peterhouse College
Tuesday December 12th 2023 Workshops - four half-day workshops in two parallel streams
Key dates:
Paper Submission: extended to July 17th 2023 at 5 p.m. (UK time);
Notification of Acceptance: August 29th 2023;
Camera Ready Paper: September 12th 2023.
AI-2023 is the forty-third Annual International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist
Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI), which will be held in the
attractive surroundings of Peterhouse
College in Cambridge.
This is the leading series of UK-based international conferences on Artificial Intelligence and the longest running AI conference series in Europe.
Further information about
the conference will be placed here as it becomes available.
Please send any corrections to sgai-webmaster@bcs.org.uk
AI-2023 Forty-third SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
paper submission and info for authors |