

Soon out:


Summer 2021 (Vol. 21, No. 1)

Front page 17 2





Summer 2020 (Vol. 20, No. 2)

Special edition for the:

UK Symposium on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining 2019

pp Miltos Petridis (Middlesex University)


Front Page 17 2
1 Building Adaptive Data Mining Models on Streaming Data in Real-Time
Frederic Stahl, Atta Badii
13 Do the dynamics of the city environment influence us, and how? Answer through the Machine Learning Approaches
Varun Ojha

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Spring 2020 (Vol. 20, No. 1)

Special edition for the:

25th UK Workshop on Case Based Reasoning

pp Editorial  
1 Case-based reasoning of a deep learning network for prediction of early stage of oesophageal cancer
Xiaohong Gao, Barbara Braden, Leishi Zhang, Stephen Taylor, Wei Pang and Miltos Petridis
13 Evaluation of CEBRAS: A Case-based Reasoning Adversary Emulation System
Cedric Klosa, Jakob Michael Schoenborn and Klaus-Dieter Althoff
21 Case-Based Similarity for Social Robots
David Skillicorn, Richard Billingsley, Pavlos Peppas, Peter Gärdenfors, Henri Prade and Mary-Anne Williams

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Summer 2019 (Vol. 19, No. 1)

Special edition for the:

24th UK Workshop on Case Based Reasoning

pp Editorial Front Page 17 2
1 A Reachability-Based Complexity Measure for Case-Based Reasoners
Devi Ganesan and Sutanu Chakraborti
11 Reasoning with Cases and Deep Learning
Kareem Amin, George Lancaster, Stelios Kapetanakis, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Andreas Dengel and Miltos Petridis
23 SAFEWAY: An explainable context-aware recommender system for safe routes
Juan Recio-Garcia, Belen Diaz-Agudo, Jose Luis Jorro Aragoneses and Marta Caro-Martínez

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Summer 2018 (Vol. 18, No. 1)

Special edition for the:

23rd UK Workshop on Case Based Reasoning

pp Editorial Front Page 17 2
1 Aligning Process Mining Workflows using Case-based Reasoning
Lefteris Bandis, Stelios Kapetanakis, Miltos Petridis and Andrew Fish
12 Bayesian Analysis in a Knowledge-Intensive CBR System
Hoda Nikpour and Agnar Aamodt
25 Anomaly Detection in Role-based Workflows using Case-based Reasoning and the inverse Problem
Francis Ekpenyong, Stelios Kapetanakis, Miltos Petridis
37 Autonomous Swarms using Case-based Reasoning
Daniel O’ Connor, Stelios Kapetanakis, Michael Floyd, Santiago Ontañon, Miltos Petridis
47 Exploiting the Knowledge of Domain Experts to Improve e-Learning Recommendation
Blessing Mbipom, Susan Craw, Stewart Massie

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Summer 2017 (Vol. 17, No. 2)

Special edition for the:

22nd UK Workshop on Case Based Reasoning

pp Editorial Front Page 17 2
1 Managing Search Engine Optimisation Experience Using the INRECA Methodology
Vani Aul and Thomas Roth-Berghofer
10 Case-based Reasoning Application: Selection of Cyanide-free Gold Leaching Methods
Maria Leikola, Lotta Rintala, Christian Severin Sauer, Thomas Roth-Berghofer and Mari Lundström
22 Ensemble Reasoning for Dust storm predictions
Tariq Saad Al Murayziq, Stelios Kapetanakis and Miltos Petridis

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Spring 2017 (Vol. 17, No. 1)

Special edition for the:

1st BCS SGAI Workshop on Data Stream Mining Techniques and Applications


Special Guest Editor:

Dr Frederic Stahl, University of Reading.


Front Page 17 1
1 Activity recognition from body worn accelerometers - toward real-time event

Ali K. Mohamed Ali, Rachel King, Balazs Janko, Emma Sack, Ann Ashburn, Malcolm Burnett, Ian Craddock and William Harwin
  Outlier Detection in Random Subspaces
over Data Streams: An Approach for
Insider Threat Detection

Diana Haidar and Mohamed Medhat Gaber
  Towards Real-Time Feature Tracking Technique using Adaptive Micro-Clusters
Mahmood Shakir Hammoodi, Frederic Stahl, Mark Tennant, Atta Badii
  Mining TV Twitter Networks for Adaptive Content Navigation and Community Awareness
Hugo Hromic, Andrea Barraza-Urbina, Conor Hayes, and Neal Cantle
  A Text Mining Framework for Big Data
Niki Pavlopoulou, Aeham Abushwashi, Frederic Stahl and Vittorio Scibetta

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Summer 2016 (Vol. 16, No. 1)



Front Page 15 1 
1 Invited talk:
Recommender Systems: Taking Advantage of Noisy Neighbours
Prof Susan Craw
4 Distributed Domain Model for the Case-Based Retrieval of Architectural Building Designs

Viktor Ayzenshtadt, Christoph Langenhan, Saqib Bukhari, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Frank Petzold, Andreas Dengel

15 Dynamic Time Warping for Retrospective Patient Case Matching 
Sadiq Sani, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Stewart Massie, and Markus Steiner

Towards Experience Management for Search Engine Optimisation

Vani Aul and Thomas Roth-Berghofer

39  Using Case-based Reasoning and Artificial Neural Networks for the Efficient Prediction of Dust Storms

Tariq Saad Al Murayziq, Stelios Kapetanakis and Miltos Petridis

49  Deterministic Assimilation Clustering

Andrew C Lea


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Summer 2015 (Vol. 15, No. 1)



Front Page 15 1 

“Optimization of a CBR system for emotional tagging of facial expressions"

Jose L. Jorro-Aragoneses, Belen Diaz-Agudo and Juan Recio-Garcia 


"Using Case-Based Reasoning for Cyber Attacker Profiling"

Stelios Kapetanakis, Avgoustinos Filippoupolitis, George Loukas and Tariq Saad Al Murayziq


"Multi-agent, case-based configuration of custom-built racing cars”

Carsten Wenzel, Pascal Reuss, Karsten Rose and Klaus-Dieter Althoff.


"Collaborative Reasoning in Workflow Monitoring Using a Multi-Agent Architecture"

Vasilis Manousakis-Kokorakis, Miltos Petridis and SStelios Kapetanakis


"A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Visualise Conversations"

Nikolay Burlutskiy, Miltos Petridis, Andrew Fish and Nour Ali


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Summer 2014 (Vol. 14, No. 1)



Front Page 15 1 
1 Invited Talk: Case Based Reasoning for Workflow Business Process Management
Stelios Kapetanakis
2 Knowledge Maintenance in myCBR
Vani Aul, Christian Severin Sauer, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Estiak Bulbul and David C. Wilson
14 Multi Agent Knowledge Acquisition for the SEASALT Apprentice Agent using Twitter Feeds
Chathuri Nilu Seneviratne, Christian Severin Sauer and Thomas Roth-Berghofer
26 Implementation of Similarity Measures for Event Sequences in myCBR
Eduardo Lupiani, Christian Severin Sauer, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Jose M. Juarez and Jose Palma

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Summer 2013 (Vol. 13, No. 1)



Front Page 13 1 
1 Invited talk: Just in Case - Reflective Case Based Reasoning
David C. Wilson
2 Industrial Invited talk: CBR in Practice - A Commercial Perspective
Phil Bull
3 When to Generalise - A Case-Based Approach to Text Modelling
Sadiq Sani, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Stewart Massie and Robert Lothian
15 Reproducibility of CBR applications in COLIBRI
Juan Recio-Garcia, Belen Diaz-Agudo and Pedro Antonio Gonzalez-Calero
27 Building Case-Based Reasoning Applications with myCBR and COLIBRI Studies
Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Juan Antonio Recio García, Christian Severin Sauer, Kerstin Bach, Klaus-Dieter Althoff and Belen Diaz-Agudo
39 CookIIS Mobile: A Case-Based Reasoning Recipe Customizer for Android Phones
Kerstin Bach, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Julian Satzky and Julian Kroehl
51 A Fuzzy, Non-Linear Similarity Measure for a Clinical Case-based Reasoning System
Rupa Jagannathan and Sanja Petrovic
63 Similarity Knowledge Formalisation for Audio Engineering
Christian Severin Sauer, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Nino Auricchio and Sam Proctor
75 The Use of Case-Based Reasoning for the Monitoring of Financial Fraud Transactions
Stelios Kapetanakis, Georgios Samakovitis, Buddhika Gunasekara and Miltos Petridis

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Summer 2012 (Vol. 12, No. 2)

  Myrmidia - Case-based reasoning for Warhammer fantasy battle army building
Glenn Rune Strandbråten and Anders Kofod-Petersen


Front Page 12 2 
1 Invited talk: Collaborative Multi-Expert-Systems
Klaus-Dieter Althoff
2 Sequential learning for case-based pattern recognition in complex event domains
Pablo Gay, Beatriz López, Joaquim Meléndez
14 Learning State-Based Behaviour using Temporally Related Cases
Michael W. Floyd and Babak Esfandiari
26 RubricAce TM: A Case-based Feedback Recommender for Coursework Assessment
Nirmalie Wiratunga, Ibrahim Adeyanju, Paul Coghill, and Clemence Pera
50 Application Of Case Based Reasoning Technique For Advice On Quick Tap Practice In Tata Steel
Mariana Adderley
62 myEACBR - myCBR as explanation-aware Protégé plugin
Marvin Bredal Lillehaug, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, and Anders Kofod-Petersen

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Spring 2012 (Vol. 12, No. 1)




Invited talk: On The Role of Dataset Complexity in Case-Based Reasoning
Derek Bridge


Image Categorisation using Time Series Case Based reasoning
Ashraf Elsayed, Mohd Hanafi Ahmad Hijazi, Frans Coenen, Marta Garcia-Finana, Vanessa Sluming and Yalin Zheng


Plan Recommendation for Well Engineering
Richard Thomson, Susan Craw, Stewart Massie, Hatem Ahriz and Ian Mills


CBR-WIMS, an intelligent monitoring platform for business processes
Kapetanakis, Miltos Petridis, Jixin Ma, Brian Knight


A Semantic Architecture for Knowledge Intensive CBR through Fuzzy Ontologies
Panos Alexopoulos, Manolis Wallace, Konstantinos Kafentzis and Dimitris Askounis


On the Integration of Background Knowledge in TCBR systems
Anil Patelia, Sutanu Chakraborty and Nirmalie Wiratunga


Automated Program Construction Based on Previous Experience
Yulia Korukhova and Nikolay Fastovets


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Summer 2011 (Vol. 11, No. 2)

pp Editorial Front Page 
1 Invited talk: CBR in numerical modelling
Prof. Brian Knight
2 Enhancing Modelling of Users’ Strategies in Exploratory Learning through Case-base Maintenance
Mihaela Cocea, Sergio Gutierrez-Santos and George Magoulas
14 Diet Menu planning Using CBR
Rajendra Akerkar
26 CBR-WIMS, an Architecture for the Intelligent Monitoring and Diagnosis of Workflows
Stelios Kapetanakis, Miltos Petridis, Jixin Ma and Liz Bacon
38 Social Based Recommendations to Groups
Lara Quijano-Sánchez, Juan A. Recio-García, and Belén Díaz-Agudo
50 Modelling Documents as Cases: A CBR Perspective on IR
Vasanth Kumar, R., Sutanu Chakraborti and Stewart Massie
62 Applying Distance Metric Learning in a Collaborative Melanoma Diagnosis System with Case-Based Reasoning 
Ruben Nicolas, David Vernet, Elisabet Golobardes, Albert Fornells, Fernando de la Torre, and Susana Puig  
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Spring 2011 (Vol. 11, No. 1)

pp Editorial Front Page
1 Invited talk: Using Statistical Translation Models for Textual CBR
Luc Lamontagne
2 Explaining Medical Model Exceptions – Focusing on Solving the Missing Data Problem
Olga Vorobieva and Rainer Schmidt
14 Explanation Capabilities of the Open Source Case-Based Reasoning Tool myCBR
Thomas R. Roth-Berghofer and Daniel Bahls
26 Solution Reuse for Textual Cases
Ibrahim Adeyanju, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Robert Lothian,Somayajulu Sripada, and Susan Craw
38 Implementing a Coordination Agent for Modularised Case Bases
Kerstin Bach, Meike Reichle, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl and Klaus-Dieter Althoff
43 Prototypical Cases in Medical CBR Systems
Rainer Schmidt, Olga Vorobieva, Tina Waligora
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Summer 2010 (Vol. 10, No. 2)

Nirmalie Wiratunga
1 Predicting Dubiosity in CBR Systems
Oguz Mulayim and Josep Llu?s Arcos
9 Automatic Text Standardisation by Synonym Mapping
Stella Asiimwe, Susan Craw, Nirmalie Wiratunga, and Bruce Taylor

Semiautomatic edition of behaviours in videogames
Gonzalo Flórez-Puga and Belen D?az-Agudo

27 Semantic Templates for Designing Recommender Systems
Juan A. Recio-García, Belén Díaz-Agudo, Derek Bridge and Pedro A. González-Calero
35 Case Adaptation for Diagnosis in Manufacturing
B. Radhika Selvamani and Deepak Khemani
43 An automatic Case Based Reasoning System Using Similar ity Measures between 3D Shapes to Assist in the Design of Metal Castings.
Miltos Petridis, Soran Saeed and Brian Knight
52 Agent Based Maintenance for Modularised Case Bases in Collaborative Multi-Expert Systems
Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Meike Reichle, Kerstin Bach, Alexandre Hanft and Régis Newo

A Solution Space approach to handling constraints in Case-Based Reasoning: The Unified Problem
Fei Ling Woon, Brian Knight and Miltos Petridis

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Spring 2010 (Vol. 10, No. 1)

Nirmalie Wiratunga
1 Extending User Vision in the iCARE System
John Doody, Edwin Costello and Lorraine McGinty
9 Lessons Learnt in the Development of a CBR Framework
Juan A. Recio-Garc?a, Belen D?az-Agudo, Antonio A. Sanchez-Ruiz, and Pedro A. Gonzalez-Calero

Towards Semi-Automatic Composition of CBR Systems in jcolibri
Antonio A. Sanchez-Ruiz, Juan A. Recio-Garc?a, Pedro A. Gonzalez-Calero, Belen D?az-Agudo

25 Automatic Case Generation for Pattern Classification
Zahra A Shah, M.M.Awais & Shafay Shamail

Case Selection and Interpolation in CBR Retrieval
Brian Knight,  Miltos Petridis,  Fei Ling Woon

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Autumn 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 3)

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2 Editorial
Alex Freitas
3 Association Rule Mining in the Wider Context of Text, Images and Graphs
Frans Coenen
9 Data Mining Applications in Manufacturing
J. A. Harding

An Experimental Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Hierarchical Prediction
Andrew Secker, M. Davies, A. Freitas, J. Timmis, M. Mendao and D. Flower

21 Stacking for Supervised Learning
Niall Rooney

Analysis of the Effect of Sample Size on the Quality of Data Mining Models
David Watkins

35 Bayesian Classification and Regression Trees
James Cussens
41 Application of Multi-Objective Metaheuristic Algorithms in Data Mining
B. de la Iglesia
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Spring 2007 (Vol. 9, No. 2)

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1 Editorial
2 jCOLIBRI 1.0 in a Nutshell
Juan Recio, Antonio Sanchez, Belén Díaz-Agudo and Pedro González-Calero
10 Fast Case Retrieval Nets for Textual CBR
Sutanu Chakraborti, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Robert Lothian and Stuart Watt

Addressing the ‘Vocabulary Gap’ in Product Recommenders
Edwin Costello, John Doody, Lorraine McGinty and Barry Smyth

26 Cumulative Query Revision in Case-Based Recommender Systems
John Doody, Edwin Costello, Lorraine McGinty and Barry Smyth

Role of Default Preferences in Compromise-Driven Retrieval
David McSherry

42 Using Early-Stopping to Avoid Overfitting
John Loughrey and Padraig Cunningham
50 Assessing Case Base Quality
Rahul Premraj and Martin Shepperd
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Autumn 2006 (Vol. 9, No. 1)

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1 Editorial
2 Clustering in Metric Spaces for the KDD Practitioner
Vic Rayword-Smith
8 Multiobjective Approaches to Unsupervised Classification
Julia Handl and Joshua Knowles

The Importance of being Fuzzy
Trevor Martin

21 Fraud Detection in Consumer Credit
Niall Adams, David Hand, Giovanni Montana and David Weston

Germplasm Collections: Gaining new Knowledge from Old Datasets
Robert Davey, et al

35 Bayesian Profiling to Identify Fraudulent Telephone Usage
Mark Girolami
41 Are we Really Discovering “Interesting” Knowledge from Data?
Alex Freitas
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Spring 2006 (Vol. 8, No. 3)

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1 Editorial
2 Introspective Knowledge Acquisition in Case Retrieval Networks for Textual CBR
Sutanu Chakraborti, Stuart Watt and Nirmalie Wiratunga
9 Case-Based Analysis of the Scenarios of Multiagent Interaction
Boris Galitsky, Sergei Kuznetsov and Don Peterson
16 Authoring Tools in jCOLIBRIPedro González-Calero, Belén Díaz-Agudo, Juan Recio-García, Juan José Bello-Tomás
22 Collaborative Management of Bibliographic Databases
Hager Karoui, Rushed Kanawati, and Laure Petrucci

Explanation-Oriented Critiquing
James Reilly, Kevin McCarthy, Lorraine McGinty and Barry Smyth

41 A Case-based Reasoning Approach to Handle Multiple Disorder Diagnostic Problems
Wenqi Shi, John Barnden
47 Virtual Attributes from Imperfect Domain Theories
Timo Steffens
56 Prototypicality Measures and Adaptation Rules for Diagnosis of Dysmorphic Syndromes
Tina Waligora and Rainer Schmidt
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Autumn 2005 (Vol. 8, No. 2)

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2 Guest Editorial Frans Coenen
4 The National Centre for Text Mining: aims and objectives
Sophia Ananiadou, Julia Chruszez, John Keane, John McNaught and Paul Watry
11 Spotting the difference: detecting anomalies in large data sets
Javid Hand and Zhicheng Zhang
19 Applied Inductive Logic Programming
Ross King, Sébastien Ferré, Amanda Clare
27 Computing Association rules from incomplete support-ounts
Paul Leng
33 Meta-heuristics in the KDD Process
George Smith
40 Experiments in Hypertext Categorization
Houda Benbrahim and Max Bramer
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Summer 2005 (Vol. 8, No. 1)

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1 Editorial
2 A Generic Similarity Searching Technique for Molecular Structures
Andreas Bender, Hamse Y. Mussa, Stephan Reiling and Robert C. Glen
7 What is CBR Competence?
Stewart Massie, Susan Craw and Nirmalie Wiratunga
11 FIONN: A Framework for Developing CBR Systems
Donal Doyle, John Loughrey, Conor Nugent, Lorcan Coyle and Padraig Cunningham
15 The Retailing Oracle
Monica Casabayo
20 Planning Requirements for Hierarchical Coalitions in Disaster Relief Domains
Clauirton Siebra
25 Arrhythmia Identification from ECG Signals with a Bayesian Framework based ANN
Dayong Gao, Michael Madden, Michael Schukat, Des Chambers and Gerard Lyons
37 Consultative Rule-Based Intelligent System for Finite Element Type Selection
Bojan Dolsak, Frank Rieg, Marina Novak and Reinhard Hackenschmidt
48 Workflow Collaboration with Constraint Solving Capabilities
Yun-Heh Chen-Burger, Kit-Ying Hui, Alun D. Preece, Peter M. D. Gray and Austin Tate
59 SGAI Membership Application Form.


Spring 2004 (Vol. 7, Num. 1)

2 Editorial
4 AI-2004
7 @PT - An Automated School Timetabling System. Kwan, A.C.M. and Chung, K.C.K.
16 Implementing a Blackboard System in a Distributed Processing Network. Choy, K.W., Hopgood, A.A., Nolle Lars and O'Neill, B.C.
25 Visual Conceptualisation for Knowledge Acquisition in Knowledge Based Systems. Hakansson, A.
31 Recurrent Neural Learning for Classifying Spoken Utterances. Garfield, S. and Wermter, S.
36 Conference Diary.
39 SGAI Membership Application Form.

Autumn 2003 (Vol. 6, Num. 3)

2 Editorial
4 SUMTIME-MOUSAM: Configurable Marine Weather Forecast Generator. Sripada, S.G., Reiter E. and Davy, I.
11 Multi-Source and Multi-Lingual Information Extraction. Maynard, D.
16 Integrating Information to Bootstrap Information Extraction from Web Sites. Ciravegna, F., Dingl A., Chapman, S. and Wilks, Y.
25 Machine Learning from Dialogue Corpora to Generate Chatbots. Shawar, B.A. and Atwell, E.
31 Recurrent Neural Learning for Classifying Spoken Utterances. Garfield, S. and Wermter, S.
37 Calls for Papers: Stairs 2004.
39 Book Reviews: Coenen, F.
41 Conference Diary.

Summer 2003 (Vol. 6, Num. 2)

2 Editorial
4 News & Notes
4 Workshop report: AI for Intelligent Business, Dan O'Leary and Alun Preece.
7 Representing Cases for CBR in XML. Coyle, L., Hayes, C. and Cunningham, P.
14 Can Domain Knowledge Help Case Based Diagnosis? Zhang, L., Coenen, F. and Leng, P.
21 Case-Based Algorithm for Pattern Recognition and Extrapolation (APRE Method). Pecar, B.
28 CBR and Crime Analysis. Toland, J., Lees, B. and O'Connor, D.
37 An Unsupervised Learning Approach for Case-Based Classifier Systems. Vernet, D. and Golobardes, E.
43 Case-Based Adaptation in Medicine Focusing on Hypothyroidism. Vorobieva, O., Schmidt, R. and Gierl, L.
50 Book Reviews, Coenen, F.
52 Conference Diary
55 SGAI Membership Application Form

Spring 2003 (Vol. 6, Num. 1)

2 Editorial
4 News & Notes
7 Special report: "Machine Intelligence competition 2002", Gordon, J.
8 Call for Papers, AI-2003.
11 "Automated Control of an Actively Compensated Langmuir Probe System Using Simulated Annealing", Nolle, L., Goodyear, A., Hopgood, A.A., Picton, P.D. and St.J. Braithwaite, N.
20 "Knowledge-Based Systems for Marking Professional IT Skills Examinations", Long, S., Dowsing, R. and Craven, P.
31 "Covering the Path Space: A Casebase Analysis for Mobile Robot Path Planning", Kruusmaa. M. and Willemson, J.
44 "Knowledge Intensive CBR through Ontologies", D az-Agudo, B. and Gonz lez-Calero, P.A.
55 Book Reviews, Campbell, J.
56 Conference Diary

Autumn 2002 (Vol. 5, Num. 3)

2 Editorial
4 News & Notes
5 "Knowledge Knowledge Life-Cycle Management over a Distributed Architecture", Schorlemme, M., Potter, S., Robertson, D. and Sleeman, D.
20 "S-CREAM --- Semi-automatic CREAtion of Metadata", Handschuh, S., Staab, S. and Ciravegna, F.
32 "Allowing for different effects of ontology changes", Klein, M.
43 "Initiating Organizational Memories using Ontology-based Network Analysis as a Bootstrapping Tool", Alani, H., Kalfoglou, Y., O'Hara, K. and Shadbolt, N.
46 Book Reviews, Phelps, S., Zhang, L., Lane, P. and Setzkorn, C.
47 Conference Diary

Summer 2002 (Vol. 5, Num. 2)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
5 "Promoting Object-Oriented Framework Reuse through CBR Techniques", Gmez-Albarr n, M. and Gonz lez-Calero, P.A.
17 "Increasing Recommendation Diversity Without Loss of Similarity", McSherry, D.
27 "The Route to Personalization: A Case-Based Reasoning Perspective", Smyth, B. and McGinty, L.
37 "A Case Based Model to assist in the design process in the manufacture of furniture products", Woon, F.L., Knight, B., Petridis, M. and Ward, G.
44 CFPs: (1) International Journal of Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, (2) PLANET International Summer School on AI Planning
46 Book Reviews, Pauly, M.
47 Conference Diary

Spring 2002 (Vol. 5, Num. 1)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
4 Chairman's Report to AGM, Max Bramer
6 Call for Papers, ES2002
8 Conference Report ES2001, Frans Coenen. 23 "AI in the UK: Past, Present, and Future", Richard Wheeler and Donald Michie (Reprint) 32 "Personalising Customer Interactions using Knowledge Mined from Behavioural Logs", Sarabjot Anand, Matthias Baumgarten, Kevin Bradley, Jorge Gonzalez-Olalla, Neill Rooney and Mykola Galushka 39 "A Component Based Approach to Decision Support over the World Wide Web", Paul Thompson, Kai Rong Zhu , Paul Hassett, Bob Sugden, and Vicki Youll 45 Book Reviews, Alun Preece and David Al-Dabass 50 Conference Diary 54 Joining SGES

Autumn 2001 (Vol. 4, Num. 3)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
5 "AI in the UK: Past, Present, and Future", Richard Wheeler and Donald Michie
13 "ODESSY: Operational Decision Support System", Sara Traynor
22 "Information Compression and Multiple Alignment as Unifying Concepts in AI and Computing", Gerry Wolff
36 Book Reviews, Peter Lane, Marie Devlin, Valentina Tamma
42 Conference reports: Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (PKDD2001) Frans Coenen
49 CFPs: European Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ECCBR 2002)
50 Conference Diary

Summer 2001 (Vol. 4, Num. 2)

2 Editorial
4 News & Notes
5 Chairman's Report, Max Bramer
8 "Recursive and Non-Recursive Adaptation Strategies in CREST", David McSherry
16 "A Machine Learning Approach to Analogical Reasoning", Jacques Ales Bianchetti
25 "Evolutionary Computation with Case-Based Reasoning", Dominic Job and Venky Shankararaman
33 "Qualitative Representation of Geometric room information in Smartfire, a case based reasoning system for fire modeling", Brian Knight, Miltos Petridis and Edwin Galea
42 "Stepwise Case-Based Reasoning: an approach to autonomous robot navigation", Haris Supic and Slobodan Ribaric
51 Book Reviews, David Al-Dabass
52 Conference reports: First International Workshop on Chance Discovery, Peter McBurney
56 CFPs: Adventures in argumentation
57 Conference Diary

Spring 2001 (Vol. 4, Num. 1)

2 Editorial
4 News & Notes
5 Chairman's Report, Max Bramer
7 Special Feature: ES2000, Conference Report, Mike Moulton
12 Special Feature: CFP ES2001
15 "A position- and page-sensitive sequence alignment method illustrated for visiting patterns within websites", Birgit Hay, Geert Wets and Koen Vanhoof
20 "Cyberspace Interfaces, CyberSignatures, and Business-Business WWW Computing", Cyrus Nourani and R.M. Moudi
25 "The use of Data Mining to Discover Implicit (and Explicit) Knowledge Regarding Drinker Recovery", Kate Thornton, G. Smerdon and M. Findlay
30 "Explaining the low penetration of decision support systems into clinical practice: Recalcitrance or Ignorance?", Laurence Moseley and Donna Mead
35 "A semantic model for content based document indexing", Naila Mimouni, F. Marir and F. Meziane
40 "Business Model Interchange", Ron Threadgold
45 "Intelligent systems support for field service engineers", W. Zhang, F.P. Coenen and P.H. Leng
52 Calls for papers, ES2001 Tutorials
53 Conference Diary

Autumn 2000 (Vol. 3, Num. 3)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
6 "Generating on-board diagnostics of dynamic automotive systems based on qualitative models", Fulvio Cascio, Luca Console, Marcella Guagliumi, Massimo Osella, Andrea Panati, Sara Sottano and Daniele Theseider Dupre
17 "A Constructive-CBR Approach to Configuration Design", S. Potter, M.J. Darlington, S.J. Culley and P.K. Chawdhry
26 "Verification, Validation and Integrity Issues in ES and DB", Frans Coenen, Barry Eaglestone and Mick Ridley
43 Conference reports: Monet Summer School (W. Zhang)
45 Conference Diary

Summer 2000 (Vol. 3, Num. 2)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
5 Special Feature: ES2000, BCS-SGES subscription
7 "Fuzzy Monitoring and Case-Based Diagnosis", Janne Goos, Pekka Ala-Siuru and Panu Korpipaa
14 "Administrating Knowledge via Acquaintance Models", Michal Pechoucek
23 "Qualitative Modeling of Linear Networks in ECAD Applications", Mark Lee
33 Book Reviews (Paul Slater).
36 Conference reports: ES99 Knowledge Management Workshop (Ian Watson)
38 Calls for papers, AIPS2002, PalnSig 2000
40 Conference Diary

Spring 2000 (Vol. 3, Num. 1)

2 Editorial (Guest: Editor Ian Watson)
4 Chairman's Report (Max Bramer)
6 Special Feature: ES99 Conference Report (Mike Moulton)
12 Special Feature: CFP Expert Systems 2000
16 "Options for Query Revision when Interacting with Case Retrieval Systems", Alex Ferguso and Derek Bridge
28 "CBR Textuality", David Wilson and Shannon Bradshaw
38 "Integrating Process Knowledge and Knowledge Intensive Tasks using Case-based Reasoning", Guy Saward
48 Calls for papers, SGES ISKDE Workshop
50 Conference reports: ICAIL99 (Trevor Bench-Capon)
51 Book Reviews (Jon Williams and Graham Goulborne).
53 Conference Diary

Autumn 1999 (Vol. 2, Num. 3)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
4 "Data Mining: Computer Support for Discovering and Deploying Best Practice In Business and Public Service", Alan Montgomery
17 "Utilising Fuzzy Logic and Neurofuzzy for Business Advantage", Bill Edisbury, Roger England and Stewart Hanson
33 "Ontological Engineering: A State of the Art", Asuncion Gomez-Perez
44 Conference reports: FLAIRS'99 (Ian Finch), IJCAI'99 (Ian Watson), EUROVAV'99 (Anca Vermesan)
51 Calls for papers
54 Conference Diary

Summer 1999 (Vol. 2, Num. 2)

2 Editorial
4 News & Notes
8 SGES Treasurer's Repoprt (Robert Milne)
10 Special Feature: CFP Expert Systems 99
18 The SMART Software Technologies Club (SSTC) ( Richard Ellis)
15 "Type 2 Fuzzy Sets", Robert Jon
22 "Agent Based Support for Geometric Modelling", Kamal Bechkoum
30 "Ill-Structured Knowledge: Implications for KBS Technology", Andrew Basden
40 Book Reviews: `Objects, Components and Frameworks with UML' by Desmond D'Souza and Alan Wills, `Business Specifications: The Key to Successful Software Engineering' by H. Kilov and `Component-Based Development for Enterprise Systems' by Paul Allen and Stuart Frost (Ian Graham)
44 Conference reports: 40th Anniversary Conference of Lisp Users (Lisa Fettner), Agents World (Geof Staniford)
49 Calls for papers
52 Conference Diary

Spring 1999 (Vol. 2, Num. 1)

2 Editorial
4 News & Notes
6 Chairman's Report (Max Bramer)
8 Special Feature: Expert Systems 98 (Frans Coenen)
18 Special Feature: The Great Debate: Intelligent Agents are Just the Latest in a series of Popular and short Lived Fads That Have Plagued AI Since its Inception (Frans Coenen)
21 "Intelligent Agents: Issues and Applications", Dan O'Leary
26 "Information, Knowledge and the Cytology of Computation", Ray Paton
31 "Validation, Verification and Integrity Issues in Expert and database Systems", Trevor Bench-Capon, Donatella Castelli, Frans Coenen, Laura Devendeville-Brisoux, Barry Eaglestone, Nick Fiddian, Alex Gray, Antonio Ligeza and Anca Vermesan
36 Conference reports: EWCBR4c (Ian Watson), VRI'98 (Irene Neilson and Ray Paton), JURIX'98 (Robert van Kralingen and Radboud Winkels)
42 Calls for papers
45 Conference Diary

Autumn 1998 (Vol. 1, Num. 2)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
5 Conference Announcement: Expert Systems 98
10 "XMaster: An Easy-to-Use Expert System Shell for windows", Chris Naylor
26 "Building the Right System Right: Evaluating V&V Methods in Knowledge Engineering", Alun Preece
35 "KRUSTWorks: Developing a Generic Refinement Toolkit", Susan Craw
48 Conference reports: AAAI'98 (Dean Jones), ECAI'98 (Stuart Aitkin), DEXA'98 (Frans Coenen), IFIP'98 (Trevor Bench-Capon)
53 Calls for papers
58 Conference Diary

Summer 1998 (Vol. 1, Num. 1)

2 Editorial
3 News & Notes
4 Conference Announcement: Expert Systems 98
7 Best Application Paper ES97, "A Decision-theoretic Network Approach to Treatment Management and Prognosis", Peter Lucas, Henk Boot and Babs Taal
17 Best Technical Paper ES97, "Concept Dispersion, Feature Interaction and their Effect on Particular Sources of Bias in Machine Learning", Kamal Nazar and Max Bramer
29 "The Omnipresence of Case-Based Reasoning", David Aha
46 Book Reviews: `Object-Oriented Common Lisp' by Stephen Slade (Tim Bradshaw)
47 Calls for papers
49 Conference Diary