M A Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK
Technical StreamBest Refereed Technical Paper (sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Ltd.)
Reusing JessTab Rules in Protégé
David Corsar and Derek Sleeman (University of Aberdeen, UK)
The Semantic Web as a Linguistic Resource
Chris Mellish and Xiantang Sun (University of Aberdeen, UK)
An Approach to the Agent-Based ANN Training
Ireneusz Czarnowski and Piotr Jêdrzejowicz (Gdynia Maritime University,
Collaborative Recommending using Formal Concept Analysis
Patrick du Boucher-Ryan and Derek Bridge (University College Cork, Ireland)
On the Use of OBDDs in Model Based Diagnosis: an Approach Based on the Partition
of the Model
Gianluca Torta and Pietro Torasso (Universita' di Torino, Italy)
Robot Docking Based on Omnidirectional Vision and Reinforcement Learning
David Muse, Cornelius Weber and Stefan Wermter (University of Sunderland)
Best Refereed Application Paper
Case-Based Reasoning Investigation of Therapy Inefficacy
Rainer Schmidt (University of Rostock, Germany) and Olga Vorobieva (Sechenow
Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia)
The Knowledge Bazaar
Brian Craker (Becoms Ltd, UK) and Frans Coenen (University of Liverpool, UK)
A Camera-Direction Dependent Visual-Motor Coordinate Transformation for a Visually
Guided Neural Robot
Cornelius Weber, David Muse, Mark Elshaw and Stefan Wermter (University of Sunderland,
Experience with Ripple-Down Rules
Paul Compton (University of NSW), Lindsay Peters, Glenn Edwards and Tim Lavers
(Pacific Knowledge Systems)
The Effect of Principal Component Analysis on Machine Learning Accuracy with
High Dimensional Spectral Data
Tom Howley, Michael Madden, Marie-Louise O'Connell and Alan Ryder (N.U.I. Galway,
Neural Network Approach to Predicting Stock Exchange Movements using External
Michael Madden and Niall O'Connor (NUI Galway)