M A Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK
Technical StreamBest Refereed Technical Paper (sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Ltd.)
On the Classification Performance of TAN and General Bayesian Networks
Michael G. Madden (College of Engineering & Informatics, National University
of Ireland, Galway, Ireland)
Designing a Feedback Component of Intelligent Tutoring System for Foreign Language
Anita Ferreira (Universidad de Concepcion, Chile), John Atkinson (Universidad
de Concepcion, Chile)
Discovering Implicit Intention-Level Knowledge from Natural-Language Texts
John Atkinson (Universidad de Concepcion, Chile), Anita Ferreira (Universidad
de Concepcion, Chile), Elvis Aravena
Exploring Design Space For An Integrated Intelligent System
N. Hawes and J. Wyatt and A. Sloman (University of Birmingham, UK)
A user-extensible and adaptable parser architecture
John Tobin and Carl Vogel (School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity
College, Dublin 2, Ireland)
EMADS: An Extendible Multi-Agent Data Miner
Kamal Ali Albashiri, Frans Coenen and Paul Leng (University of Liverpool, UK)
Best Refereed Application Paper
Wireless LAN Load-Balancing with Genetic Algorithms
Ted Scully and Kenneth N. Brown (University College Cork, Ireland)
Silog: Speech Input Logon
Sergio Grau, Tony Allen and Nasser Sherkat (Nottingham Trent University, UK)
Deploying Embodied AI into Virtual Worlds
D.J.H.Burden (Daden Limited)
Executing Medical Guidelines on the Web: Towards Next Generation Healthcare
M. Arguello (University of Manchester), J. Des (Hospital Dr. Julian Garcia),
M.J. Fernandez-Prieto (University of Salford), R. Perez (Hospital Dr. Julian
Garcia) and H. Paniagua (University of Wolverhampton)
An Electronic Tree Inventory for Arboriculture Management
R.J. Tait, T.J. Allen, N. Sherkat, and M. Bellett-Travers (Nottingham Trent
University, UK)