About SGAI

About SGAI

SGAI, the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence is a Specialist Group of The British Computer Society. It was founded in June 1980 by Professor Donald Michie, a leading British AI pioneer and a wartime colleague of Alan Turing at Bletchley Park. The Group's mission is: "To foster achievement, capability and awareness in both business and research in Artificial Intelligence, and to promote the interests of the related community". It is one of Europe's longest established groups working to support the community of artificial intelligence developers and users.

The Group's mission is "To foster achievement, capability and awareness in both business and research in Artificial Intelligence, and to promote the interests of the related community".

SGAI has organised an annual international conference since 1981, as well as colloquia, evening lectures other events of many kinds. It has been a member of EurAi, The European Association for Artificial Intelligence (formerly known as ECCAI), since 1992.

A substantial proportion of the Group's membership is from industry. It provides a valuable forum in which the academic and industrial AI communities can meet.

The Group covers technical advances in AI technology and shows how this leading edge technology has been applied to solve business problems.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to

  • Knowledge engineering
  • Knowledge representation, inference and reasoning
  • Machine learning (including neural nets, genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning and data mining)
  • Qualitative and temporal reasoning
  • Knowledge management
  • AI languages and environments
  • Natural language processing
  • Intelligent agents

Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse
Peterhouse College, Cambridge, the venue for AI-2025