AI accelerator 1

An Introduction to Data Mining and Predictive Analytics

A joint event organised by the BCS Women Specialist Group and SGAI, the BCS Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence

5 July 2017

BCS London
Davidson Building
5 Southampton Street
WC2E 7HA London
United Kingdom

Booking link:

Artificial Intelligence interest is constantly growing. The general public is intrigued and becoming more interested in this science. BCS Women and the BCS SGAI (Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence), two bodies of the British Computer Society, have combined to provide free workshop sessions related to specific areas.

It is a great honour for us to present our next workshop: 'An Introduction to Data Mining and Predictive Analytics', run by Dr Frederic Stahl from Reading University.

The timetable will be as shown below:

Data Mining is an important step in the process for discovering knowledge from large amounts of data. Data Mining techniques intersect methods from artificial intelligence, statistics and machine learning. This tutorial provides an introduction to the Knowledge Discovery from Data (KDD) process and gives an overview of various kinds of data mining techniques. It particularly focusses on techniques for predictive analytics and demonstrates how to build a predictive KDD workflow using a real example.

Dr Frederic Stahl

Dr Frederic Stahl joined the University of Reading as a Lecturer in 2012. In previous appointments Frederic worked as a Lecturer at Bournemouth University in 2012 and as Senior Research Associate at the University of Portsmouth from 2010-2012. He obtained his PhD in 2010 from the University of Portsmouth with the title 'Parallel Rule Induction' and his Engineering Diploma in Bioninformatics in 2006 from the University of Applied Science Weihenstephan (Germany). His research interests include parallel and distributed data mining and real-time data stream mining. He has published over 50 articles in peer-reviewed conferences and journals. He serves as a committee member of the BCS Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (SGAI).

Nadia Abouayoub

Nadia Abouayoub is a member of the BCS SGAI Committee and the BCS Women Group, which she joined, to setup the international network. She is the co-organiser of the AI Accelerator program which is a joined initiative of both committees. She is a strategist and improvement lead in investment banking, and a graduate in Artificial Intelligence.

Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse
Peterhouse College, Cambridge, the venue for AI-2025