SGAI is a member of EurAi (the European Association for Artificial Intelligence) (formerly known as ECCAI) and this entitles our members to substantial discounts on events run by other national AI societies across Europe, as well as by EurAi itself. For example the conference ECAI-14 held in Prague in August 2014 offered a 100 euro discount on the regular rate and a 30 euro discount on the student rate for members of BCS-SGAI.

Non-BCS-members may wish to join BCS-SGAI just to take advantage of such discounts. This is easy to do by first joining the BCS. Further information is available from here. After joining the parent body, joining SGAI can be done very rapidly via the BCS website.

Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse Peterhouse
Peterhouse College, Cambridge, the venue for AI-2025