AI-2024 Forty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

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internet access for delegates |    Conference Information (22 page PDF for downloading)


Application Stream

The APPLICATION STREAM will present papers describing practical applications of AI. This is the largest annual showcase in Europe of real applications using AI technology and the ideal place to meet with those working to make successful AI based applications.

As in previous conferences, the papers to be presented are expected to cover a wide variety of methods and application domains. The papers presented at recent conferences have included topics as diverse as automatic personalised TV listings, practical knowledge management, industrial planning, real time military decision support, financial fraud detection, improving manufacturing techniques and crime investigation, and featured the whole range of AI techniques, including CBR, fuzzy logic, rule based systems, neural networks, data mining and intelligent agents.

Papers will be selected to highlight critical areas of success (and failure) and to present the benefits and difficulties encountered. A key criterion in the selection of papers will be their relevance to other developers, to ensure that this stream is of value and interest to all those responsible for developing or managing practical AI based systems.

Papers Accepted for the Application Stream To be announced

Prize Winners To be announced

Application Stream Programme Committee and Executive Programme Committee

Invited Keynote Lecture

Harnessing the power of AI & Autonomous Systems for Defence & Security

Prof. Steven Meers, DSTL


AI-2024 Forty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence

home | schedule | technical stream | application stream | poster sessions
workshops | proceedings | exhibition | registration | sponsors | organisers
enquiries | social | visa info | venue | accommodation | panel session | short paper presentations
information for speakers | previous conferences | letter of invitation
call for papers | paper submission and info for authors | accepted papers
internet access for delegates |    Conference Information (22 page PDF for downloading)